Sunday, January 6, 2013

4. Vagina Monologues, The

4. Vagina Monologues, The
Rated: NR
Released: 2002
Staring: Eve Ensler
Format Watched In: HBO GO

Unlike a lot of the movies that I will see this year this never really was on my to see list.  I had heard about it when it was first really BIG but since I'm not exactly it's target demo thanks to my having a penis I never thought much of it.  Thankfully I was pressed for time the day that I watched this and decided I needed something short and easy to take in.  Well I was right on one of those counts.  This movie is pretty much a behind the scene documentary mixed with selected stage performances by the Monologues creator Ensler.  The conversations that she brings to life are poignant and deep while also occasionally being full of whimsy and fun.  I never put much thought into the vagina and just kind of assumed women viewed it similarly to how I view my penis, but through this I learned very quickly that isn't the case.  No there seems to be an inherent shame from having a vagina and it's something that is so rarely discussed that the stigma just grows and grows.  I'm glad I watched this because now I can teach my daughters, should I be lucky enough to have any, how beautiful and lucky they are.  This also gave me even more respect for the women in my life than what I had previously.  No I wasn't the target demographic but I still learned something and that's exactly what this project is for.

Rating: A

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