Thursday, January 24, 2013

24. Antowne Fisher

24. Antwone Fisher
Rated: PG-13
Released: 2002
Starring: Denzel Washington, Derek Luke, Joy Bryant
Format Watched in: Blu-Ray

I don't know how many of you realize this but Denzel Washington can ACT.  It also turns out that the man can direct as well.  With Antwone Fisher you have a deeply personal and moving story of redemption and finding your place in life.  The young lead Derek Luke delivered a really moving performance and at the end of the day this movie pulls you in and it's because of Luke.  If I were to have a bone to pick with this movie it's that it's not only based on a true story but it is also written by Antowne Fisher, the very same Antowne Fisher this movie is about.  Because it was a movie written by the person it's about I can't help but wonder how much of it was real and how much was exaggerated.   I'm not saying he made any of this up, because there's no reason someone would make up such horrible things, but exaggerations happen in every bio pic, and I know how I tell stories so I can't help but think it's exaggerated at least a little.  Give it a watch if you are in the mood to be moved, because this movie will move you something fierce.

Rating: B-

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