Rated: PG
Released: 2011
Starring: Antonio Benderas, Salma Hayek, Zach Galifianakis
Format Watched in: HBO GO
Dreamworks had just driven the Shrek franchise into the ground with it's third movie and they were in need of a new cash cow for their animation department. THey decided that they needed to spin off from the Shrek franchise because that's not tired at all right? They latched onto a new character that in a limited role captured everyone's attention because it was a new character that featured Antonio Benderas being all swarthy and Spanish in a kids movie which was pretty much the only good thing in the third movie. This led to a bit character that had the potential to become beloved in small doses but completely tedious in large doses getting it's own movie. What could possibly go wrong? Well with Puss In Boots they managed to walk that thin line very gingerly and succeeded at not entirely annoying me with Antonio's schtick. Congratulations Dreamworks, now feel free to not drive this into the ground with any sequels. What's that? You're already working on a sequel? Okay well go fuck yourself then.
Rating: C-
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