Wednesday, January 16, 2013

11. Gangster Squad

11. Gangster Squad
Rated: R
Released: 2013
Starring: Sean Penn, Ryan Gosling, Emma Stone, Josh Brolin
Format Watched in: Theaters

There are movies that are so over publicized that by the time they show up in theaters I'm tired of it existing long before I get around to seeing it.   That's Gangster Squad for me recently.  There hasn't been a movie in the theaters or TV show I've seen in the last three months that haven't had  this trailer in front of it.  What's especially interesting is how quickly the trailers disappear as well.  It hasn't been a week and this trailer is nowhere to be seen.  It's just odd.  Anyway the movie.  There's a lot of pretty in this movie, most of which comes from Gosling and Stone with some added pretty coming from the beautiful set and costume designs.  The art deco film noir style is very prevalent in this movie and combined with some very now stylized violence (a man gets ripped in half by two cars before the opening credits) it just works for me.  Sean Penn was pretty great as the former boxer turned crime lord and Brolin as the man that is dead set on bringing him to justice.  I will say aside from those characters they don't really explain who the other members of the squad are or why we should care.  It's very fast paced and in that at parts you are left playing catch up.  Still I enjoyed it for what it was.

Rating: B-

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