Rated: PG
Released: 2007
Starring: Emma Roberts, Tate Donovan, Max Thieriot
Format Watched in: MAX Go
Sometimes when it's late at night and I still haven't watched my movie for the day I find myself picking anything that doesn't look like I need to put any effort into watching it. With that in mind I bring you - Nancy Drew the movie! Did this movie need to be made? No. Should a grown man in his mid-30's without a young daughter watch this movie? No. Is Emma Roberts great? No, but she is pretty enjoyable in the other things I have seen her in and so I figured what harm could come of seeing her as a kid detective? Exactly no harm came of it. I saw my movie, it was meh, I fell asleep. Look I'm not gonna lie to you, there was no way I was going to be actually emotionally invested in this movie. The goal isn't to watch a movie I want to see every single day for a year it's to watch a movie every single day for a year. Sometimes I watch good things. Today I watched Nancy Drew.
Rating: C I guess.
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